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Hirable is an all-in-one career platform that guides users through their career journey, from exploring new roles to preparing for interviews. With a GPT-powered writer, users can create job-specific resumes and cover letters in seconds, optimize their job documents, and store all their application documents in one place. Hirable also provides actionable tips and a collection of interview questions to help users feel confident and prepared for any interview. Additionally, Hirable can help users explore new roles and learn what it takes to succeed.

Hirable Features

  • All-in-one career platform: Hirable guides you through your career journey, from exploring new roles to preparing for interviews.
  • GPT-powered writer: Hirable's AI-powered writer helps you write job-specific resumes and cover letters in seconds.
  • Optimize your job documents: Save drafts, adjust your tone, add keywords, and more to maximize your chances of getting past the ATS scan.
  • Stay organized: Easily store all your application documents, add personal notes, and save relevant interview questions for each job you apply to.
  • Interview preparation: Practice with a collection of interview questions and receive feedback based on your experiences.
  • Explore new roles: Hirable shows how well a role fits your values, personality traits, and previous experiences, and can even draft a role-specific resume for you.
  • Start your professional journey: Get started on your career journey with Hirable today.
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Hirable Alternatives

LetterMagic simplifies the process of creating cover letters.
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Holly is a cost-effective AI-powered talent acquisition tool that curates a list of candidates, engages with them, and improves outreach for future matches.
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APPLAIME uses AI to generate tailored cover letters, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.
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Deepbrain AI Interview
Deepbrain AI Interview offers AI-powered hiring solutions including auto-generating interview questions and analyzing candidate's characteristics.
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LoopCV automates job searching and applications for individuals, freelancers, businesses, and universities with advanced filters and keyword search.
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Jobcopy uses AI technology to create personalized resumes, cover letters, and interview Q&As, and offers advanced job search features.
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Interview Prep AI
Interview Prep AI uses AI technology for job interview simulations, providing users with opportunities to practice and perfect their skills.
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InterviewAI is an AI-powered platform that streamlines the interview process, generating tailored questions and follow-up insights.
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