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Introducing Tome - your AI storytelling partner. With Tome, you can use artificial intelligence to generate entire narratives, create compelling images with our DALL·E tile, and easily share prototypes. Drag-and-drop creation, responsive pages, and one-click themes mean you don't waste time aligning content or applying brand colors. Native video recording lets you add a personal touch to your story, even async. Share your Tome with just one click, and it's designed to fit any device. Try Tome today and experience a new way to tell stories.

Tome Features

  • AI-powered storytelling: Tome allows users to generate entire narratives using artificial intelligence.
  • DALL·E tile for image creation: The platform includes a tool to create tailor-made and compelling images.
  • Multiple media integrations: Users can add 3D renderings, trim videos, and embed live content from the web to make their point more compelling.
  • Easy to use drag-and-drop creation: The platform features responsive pages and one-click themes to avoid users wasting time aligning content or applying brand colors.
  • Live integrations with other tools: Tome offers live integrations with popular tools like Figma to showcase existing work as a connected part of the story.
  • Native video recording: The platform allows users to record videos to add a personal touch to their stories, even asynchronously.
  • Device-friendly tomes: Tomes are designed to fit any device, ensuring viewers have a seamless experience.
  • Tome iOS app: Users can work on their stories on-the-go, with seamless syncing across devices.
  • Designed for all users: The platform is designed to help anyone tell compelling stories, from large companies to solo businesses and individuals.
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Tome Alternatives

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