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Chatbase is an AI chatbot builder that trains ChatGPT on your data and allows you to add a chat widget to your website. It can answer any question about your content, and you can customize its personality traits and language preferences. You can upload files, paste text, or add a website link to train your chatbot. Additionally, you can embed an iframe or chat bubble to your website and communicate with your chatbot using the API.

Chatbase Features

  • AI Chatbot Builder: Trains ChatGPT on your data and creates a chatbot for your website
  • Document or Link Input: Upload files (.pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx), paste text, or add a website link to be scraped
  • Customizable Chatbot: Edit the base prompt, name, personality traits, and language instructions
  • Hosting: Content hosted on secure GCP/AWS servers in us-east
  • ChatGPT Version: By default, uses ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo)
  • Embed Options: Embed an iframe or add a chat bubble to your website
  • API Integration: Communicate with your chatbot using the API
  • Language Support: Supports about 95 languages for sources and questions
  • Privacy Settings: Choose between private or public chatbots
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Chatbase Alternatives

Build Chatbot
Build Chatbot: An AI-powered, no-code chatbot for businesses and individuals, enhancing online interactions and engagement effortlessly
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Vercel AI SDK Playground
Vercel AI SDK Playground offers an AI playground, chat prompts, documentation, and login options with Vercel.
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LetsAsk.AI is an AI chatbot builder that allows you to create a custom ChatGPT chatbot for your website.
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EnhanceDocs is an AI-powered tool that helps teams find information in their documentation quickly and easily, saving time and reducing frustration.
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The GodChat
The GodChat is your AI assistant on WhatsApp, powered by GPT4, revolutionizing your interaction and productivity.
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Manifest AI
Manifest AI, a shopping assistant revolutionizing the customer experience with personalized recommendations and seamless purchase facilitation.
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ChatGenius provides a no-code platform for building multilingual AI chatbots, with integrations and API for easy website implementation.
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Wisdomai is an AI-powered conversational chat that learns your content to provide answers to customers' questions and improve engagement.
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