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Effortlessly generate complex SQL queries using everyday language - no SQL knowledge needed. Our tool offers generous free trials, blazing-fast results, and easy database connectivity with just one click. Plus, we support a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and more. Our customers include data scientists, developers, students, and business employees looking to increase their SQL productivity and skills.

AIHelperBot Features

  • Text to SQL Query Builder Bot: Generate error-free SQL queries using everyday language, as easy as writing a text message and as powerful as a SQL expert.
  • Core Functionality: Effortlessly generate even complex SQL queries and read the surrounding clarification to understand exactly what it does.
  • Database Connectivity: Connect to your database with 1-click and get up to date data insights whenever you need it. No need to wait for the data team.
  • Generous Free Trial: Provides a free trial to try out AIHelperBot to see if it fits user needs.
  • Multi-Database Support: Optimized to generate SQL for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle PL/SQL, BigQuery, MariaDB, SQLite, DB2, Salesforce SOQL/SOSL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, and GraphQL databases.
  • Ease of Use: Offers easier to use text-based queries compared to selecting tables and columns, and streamlines the process to generate SQL queries.
  • Customizable Features: Offers the possibility to add a database schema in various formats, and the ability to connect to user's own database.
  • Improved Productivity: Provides users with a simple business intelligence tool that allows them to access critical data insights quickly and easily, improving their SQL productivity and skills.
  • Competitive Advantage: Compares favorably to other providers in terms of features, ease of use, and price.
  • Customer Base: Targets diverse customers' backgrounds which include data scientists, developers, students, marketing and business employees, bank employees and more.
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AIHelperBot Alternatives

Vanna AI
Vanna.AI offers AI-powered business intelligence for database analytics, with natural language queries and continuous improvement.
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Al Query
AI Query generates error-free SQL in seconds using simple English and an AI-powered translator.
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LogicLoop AI SQL
LogicLoop is a platform for data analysis, with a focus on SQL query building and fraud & risk monitoring for various industries.
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MindsDB is a machine learning platform that allows you to deploy NLP models inside your databases in just a few SQL lines
Free Trial
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InsightBase allows users to ask questions in natural language and gain insights from their data through interactive dashboards, without needing to know SQL or code.
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Prisma Editor
Prisma Editor offers an open-source project for visualizing and editing Prisma schemas, as well as resources and tutorials for using Prisma ORM.
Open Source
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Xata provides AI-powered database search and chatbot capabilities with a generous free tier.
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Pinecone is a vector database that provides ultra-low query latency and an easy-to-use API for high-performance applications and threat detection.
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